Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Race and Culture cluster

            It is really quite amazing how college made me realize things i would never have even thought about. How society enforced the idea of race to each and every one of us just to label us different from one another. The Race and Culture cluster made me realize how race is connected to culture it is a very touchy topic. Race is always connected with culture, for culture makes everyone's ideology in life different. and with this difference we are always in differentiated with elite white man". for having white skin seems to have power among other races but all of this was all socially constructed.

           Through classes like Anthropology and Sociology Ive come to realize that me and you are not so different  we may look different but inside we are more alike than people think. it is important to know that we as human species came from one scientific Adam and one scientific Eve. And different cultures that we are exposed to make our unique personalities. In less than 3 months this cluster has made me look at the different side of society. I am excited to learn more about how society operates with each day goes by something new happens.

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