Tuesday, April 9, 2013

          In the year 2001 Anti-Islamic hate crimes spiked up greatly, so high that it was the highest its ever been.  The graph shows no information but one; it only says Anti-Islamic hate crime. Now Im guessing the graph was posted after the 9/11 attack when tensions were high and everybody was going crazy due to the fact that for the first time the U.S. was attacked in American soil. We should understand that through out that year crimes against Islamic decent were attacked, wither if they were innocent or not.  Men, women and children were attacked, traumatized and will forever be scared for the actions that were made. Not only that but after 2 years America waged war with the Middle East and more people were being slaughtered, but the graph didn't show that information. It lacked information about the Muslims that were at the middle east, and in America. But it lacked the information about Americans that were doing the hate crimes, the Americans that were at war.

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